Just like Christmas
The door buzzer rang this morning, about 20 minutes ago. UPS. Package from … Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. I was opening it and suddenly realized what moment this was about to be. My book.
I took it upstairs and showed Michael the envelope. “Is that it?”
“I think so.”
I took it out. I held it. Andrea, my editor, stuck a short note on her business card: Look at it — it’s amazing! I hope you’re as happy as I am.
My heart pounded. I flipped through the pages. I looked at how the light catches the shiny cover. Then I did what any momma gorilla would do.
I smelled it.
Welcome home, baby!
pretty… and I would have smelled it too. It’s good to be in
touch with our primate selves.
I love this image. The other impulse that comes to mind–at least my mind–in such situations is to call my mother. It’s analogous to saying, “Look at me, Mom. Mom, look at me,” when you first learn to dive or swim in the deep end or float on your back.
Congratulations! Am looking forward to the book.