Mary, Did You Know …
… that this isn’t just a blog, but a whole web site? Click anywhere up in the banner above and you’ll be shuffled off to the Hank Stuever home page. That’s by design. There ye shall find ALL the book tour information you’ll need; you can take my Christmas shopping survey (please!); you can look at pictures; and you can find a way to contact Tinsel‘s publicist. “Go to” is my blanket answer for requests such as:
— All dates of upcoming readings.
— Please send us a short bio.
— We need a high-res image of your book jacket and author photo.
— Is this your first book?
— Are there pictures anywhere I can see of the Trykoski house?
Yes, yes, yes, no, and yes. And thanks for asking and believe me, I love the attention. I jump around in it like a kid in a bouncy house. But I might not answer you promptly, as I conduct my life through a very tricky series of Post-It notes scribbled to myself. My answer is almost always: It’s on my web site. Click up above — you can even click on my face, and off you go, to Answerland.