Oh my garsh
Big hailstorm Sunday back in the land of my birth. The wind comes right behind the plain … and fucks shit up. I feel bad for everyone’s car. I also feel bad for watching these over and over. I love the people and their acksints. Sounds like home; looks like it too. I can almost smell that wonderful ozoney storm smell.
Here’s a video somebody shot inside Penn Square Mall in Oklahoma City. Wait and see what happens around the 4:15 marker…
Who here remembers when Penn Square didn’t even have a roof or a second floor? (Back in the John A. Brown’s and Rothschild’s days.) Good thing it did here. And whoever built that roof in the late ’80s? Nice work — seriously.
This one’s great, because it looks like it’s one of them richie houses out in Edmond. (“Oh, no. Look at Mom’s orange tree.”) The pool really tells the story — watch at least until 1:45.
And this one’s great because it’s not in McMansionville. (“Yew had a nice car fer about a munth…”)
I love in video 1 (circa :30) when homie, staring up, calls it: “Sounds like baseball-saz hail.”
I know the architect who designed the Penn Square Mall enclosure project and will pass along your regards for the roof!
You can hear Gary England’s voice in the background at the beginning of video three.
Makes me homesick. Kinda sorta.