Book grab! DAN SAVAGE’s ‘American Savage’; PETER CARLSON’s ‘Junius and Albert’s Adventures in the Confederacy’

Oooh, this is a good one. My writer friends have been quite busy. I have two books to give away now and will have two more titles to give away in another week or so. What must you do to get these books sent to you absolutely free?

You DON’T win by leaving a comment on this blog item.

You DON’T win by leaving a comment on the Facebook post about this blog item.

You DO win by dropping me a line (immediately!) via EMAIL to hank [at] hankstuever [dot] com.

Here are today’s books:

American Savage: Insights, Slights and Fights on Faith, Sex, Love and Politics by Dan Savage. Advice columnist. Podcaster. Public intellectual. And probably the only person I know who actually looks good (and thoughtful) while resting his face in his palm. Yes, it’s Dan Savage, the man with more horse-sense than all of us put together, and he has a new book out of fresh thought and collected wisdom about sex (of course), monogamy (and monogamishness), marriage, gay rights, bigotry — the whole wonderful package. Lots of rave reviews already, and, as always, plenty of raving lunatics too. I bought mine, plus TWO COPIES GONE! THANKS FOR PLAYING. to give away. Dan was in Washington over the weekend and we had lunch and I was on the ball enough to get these copies signed for you.

There’s a lot to absorb and think about in American Savage, but Dan says don’t overlook the epigraph in the front from A.E. Housman’s poem “The Laws of God, the Laws of Man”:

And if my ways are not as theirs

Let them mind their own affairs.

Their deeds I judge and much condemn,

Yet when did I make laws for them?

*  *  *

Next we have TWO COPIES GONE!! of a new work of nonfiction from Peter Carlson, distinguished Style section alum, called Junius and Albert’s Adventures in the Confederacy: A Civil War Odyssey. It’s about two reporters who talked the New York Tribune into paying them to sneak into the Confederate States and send back war correspondence from behind enemy lines.

Great idea! Like many of their hyper-imaginative fellow Civil War reporters, Junius and Albert filed richly detailed copy that was too good for editors to check, but then they were captured and held as prisoners of war.

Their attempt to escape is apparently as enthralling as their original pitch. I am looking forward to reading this on vacation. I loved Peter’s last book, K Blows Top, which recounted the bizarre visit to America Nikita Khrushchev made in 1959. That book was optioned for a movie, and it sounds like this one ought to be too — quick, before all the sesquicentennial Civil War stuff blows past.

Speaking of quick, drop me an email ASAP if you want either book. (One per customer.) These offers never last long! UPDATE: Fastest grab ever. They’re all gone. But come back in a few days for another fun one.


  1. Cody Dustin on June 11, 2013 at 10:16 pm

    Love a free Savage book. When will we see another classic Stuever?

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