Book giveaway! Book giveaway! GRANDMA GATEWOOD’S WALK by Gangrey’s Ben Montgomery
I know it’s been a long while, but I come to you with another exciting book giveaway — the just-released Grandma Gatewood’s Walk by my pal Ben Montgomery. ALL GONE!! I have four copies ready to ship to the first four readers who EMAIL me (which means not by leaving a comment here and not via Facebook comment or reply-tweet).
This book tells the story of Emma Gatewood, the tenacious Ohio granny who became the first woman to hike the entire Appalachian Trail, solo, in 1955, and briefly became a sort of media sensation in the process. Advance reviews have been good. I can’t wait to start hiking my way through it.
For those who don’t know him, Ben is a prize-winning reporter at the Tampa Bay Times whose work runs the gamut from a lovely rumination on 7-Eleven taquitos to a stunning, months-long investigation into the cover-up of deaths and other abuses at a Florida home for delinquent boys. He also runs Gangrey, a website where feature writers of all stripes (aspiring or accomplished or somewhere in between) talk about stories and technique.
As always, my goal is to get lots and lots of you to buy a copy of the book. These four copies I give away as bait. To win one, email me — quick as you can — at the contact address in the nav-bar above. CONTEST OVER — BOOKS HAVE BEEN CLAIMED. You don’t want to miss this one! YOU MISSED IT. (I only give away good books.)
(Other than that, I’m once again sorry to have left the Tonsil blog in a state of neglect. My excuse this time? I like everything about the recent redesign except the way the blog looks, which I think subliminally makes me not want to post anything. It’s on my list of things to deal with. After taxes, oil change, dentist …)